In September 2020 CFA Society Poland is launching the next edition of a project aiming to support its members in professional development and improving their position in the labour market. Career Management Program has been created firts time in 2019 with professional support of HRK Group, a well-established company providing personal advisory services for finance professionals. This, along with our Mentoring Program, will help CFA Society Poland members have a better understanding of career improvement.
A group of experienced recruiters from HRK will take professional care of CFA Society Poland members career advisory.
What is the subject of consultations?
If you decided to apply to the positions and you need support and consultations with career experts and recruiters
You are in a recrutiment process and you need the additional assistance by a career advisor to prepare to the next step of the process.
HRK Group in the cooperation with CFA Society Poland offers our members the emergency assistance (you will wait for a reply no longer than 48 hours) in recrutiment process. Stay in touch!
Who can participate in Career Management Program?
Professionals who have renewed/initiated membership in CFA Institute and CFA Society Poland for the year of 2021. Regular members take priority over other forms of membership.
To participate, please email:
Information about your participation in the program will not be published or shared anywhere. Applications are processed in the order they are received.
Why should you join Career Management Program?
- to increase your chance for a new placement;
- to access the latest recruitment processes;
- to improve your knowledge of possible development areas in your profession;
- to get a professional recruiter to help you guide your career;
- to improve your recruitment documents (resume, CV) and online presence (LinkedIn).
Join our Career Management Program. If you need professional guidance regarding your career, please contact:
More information:
Jakub Jański
tel. +48 798 068 139