Professor Krzysztof Jajuga has been elected President of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS) and will serve in this capacity during the 2025–2026 term.
The IFCS is a global scientific society whose members specialize in analyzing various types of data. Established in 1985, the organization currently unites 18 national societies worldwide, including the United States, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and South Africa.
The federation comprises several thousand individuals dedicated to data analysis, including classification. Poland's scientific community is represented within the IFCS by the Section of Classification and Data Analysis of the Polish Statistical Association, which has been a member since 1993.
Key Characteristics of IFCS Activities
The issues addressed by the IFCS can be summarized through three key characteristics:
Diverse Analytical Methods
The methods employed encompass classical statistical and econometric techniques and machine learning approaches, which fall under artificial intelligence. These advanced methods often require the use of high-speed computing and large datasets.
Multidisciplinary Applications
Theoretical and practical problems explored within the IFCS span various disciplines, including economics, finance, management, medicine, psychology, sociology, geography, real estate, architecture, agriculture, media (including social media), engineering, literature, music, and more.
Variety of Data Types
The data analyzed within the IFCS is highly diverse, encompassing numerical and textual data, video and audio files, sensory data, satellite imagery, and beyond.
Data Science in the Spotlight
This focus on data analysis positions the IFCS at the heart of Data Science, a critical domain for contemporary society. Professionally analyzed data has become a driving force for economic growth, societal advancement, and development. Professor Jajuga’s appointment to the presidency of this distinguished federation highlights the global recognition of his contributions to data analysis and classification.